Spirit of Brancaster
Brancaster Gin is inspired by the beautiful North Norfolk coastline and our Brancaster Vodka by the fields above the village
On the coast, the sea, the land, the beach and the salt marshes are in constant ebb and flow. In this tranquil and bewitching landscape, samphire, sea buckthorn, elderflower and gorse plants thrive. With a copper still for recipe developing - just a 9-iron from the marshes - we have sourced our favourite botanicals for the gin on foraging trips on foot and in kayaks close to our headquarters.
The land above Brancaster was being farmed long before the Romans settled and built Branodunum Fort. Blessed with fertile soil and a kind climate, farming flourishes here, shaping the landscape and defining our communities. Under huge skies, these fields provide our finest Norfolk grain and the hedgerows sustain our honey bees.
Winston Churchill
Fuzzy Zoeller
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